Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The Letter

" Dear Davorka,

Thank you for coming for interview in connection with your application to the above course.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place.

However, your name has been placed on the reserve list and should a place become available, I will inform you immediately at the contact address you have provided."


  1. Booooooo! Still, perhaps it's time to consider Antwerp, no?

  2. :( !!?

    No room for the ones who already have their own signature style ...

    We'll skip this and go higher!!! ;)

  3. Ne verjameeem?!... Letos je čudno leto... Tudi moja kolegia, ni bila sprejeta na fotografijo na naš faks, pa je že sedaj boljša od 70% mojih sošolcev?! Sicer pa tudi rezervna lista, velikokrat omogoči mostno notri... FOlk ne najde keša za šolo, podaljša dopuste...in si notri...

  4. nekako mi je tezko verjeti da bi se kaj takega zgodilo...plus zelo nehvalezna situacija ko naj cakam do spetembra da se mogoce kdo premisli..hmm
