Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Davorka Pozgan website launch

I finally got it!!!
The site is still a bit of a work in progress, but it is a good start.

It was designed by my fabulous friend Bianca BeeZee Zvorc, a New York based Slovenian, who also celebrates her birthday today. Happy Birthday, dear Bianca. And thank you for a wonderful work
Check it out and let me know what you think.


Beware of the marmot (svizec). :)


  1. a si obdelala svizca? ;)
    malo je treba sariti po sajtu da prides not...:)

  2. Congratulations! I love the site, and enjoyed very much previous collections, too. Everything is so exciting. You are absolutely unique and takented, and it is such a joy to see your works.

  3. my dear noriko, u r most kind! ;)
    did you already work out how to enter?
    marmot is the key..;) ;)

  4. Yep, I managed! :P
    I loooove it!

  5. heheh,
    and there will be more adjustments soon. online shop follows soon. photogalleries will be improved, there will be also links to my social media networks and my blog.
    there will be also more about me, my inspirations, how I thinks and see things. very soon.

  6. ena izmed bolj luškanih strani v zadnjem času!
    no, kaj drugega niti ni blo za pričakovat :)

  7. hvala sasa!
    bianca the web master je kriva, ona je tudi ena crazy crazy chick!! ;)

  8. še malo, pa bo svišček spregovoril....storyteller svizec..
