Friday 26 December 2008

Google Analytics

When I created this blog, the first thing that Piki (my web & social media guru) has said was: Now you need to create your Google Analytics account. ( I admit, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about;)
And I discovered the whole new world again. I've realized that I underestimated the power of the internet, because only after a day I already had readers from Argentina,US, China, and most european countries. I've also realized that I can track down my friends and readers.
For example, I can follow my hubby dear, Kate, who's currently traveling through Australia. I can see her route day by day almost. I had two visits on my blog in Brisbane, then Sydney, now I see two visits in Melbourne, where I know she's gonna be with her family. ( Dear hubby, I expect at least a comment now, if not the full report via gmail. I want to know if you're wearing your pink sandals and your DP summer collection;))
Then I have lots of visits from Birmingham which means it must be Manca. Luxembourg, where Lili lives.... heheh
Funny thing, ey?

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