Monday, 15 December 2008

Yelena Yemchuk

I am completely carried away by this photographer from Ukraine. I've been checking her work for the last two days, spent many hours on the internet and still can't stop.
Not just that she's an excellent photographer but also a fantastic painter. And a very good looking woman.
Please, do check her out.


  1. ful zanimiva ženska
    nore fotke

  2. jaaa nore completely... toliko mehkobe in poeticnosti in dramatike premore smo zenska fotografinja se mi zdi.
    martica je tudi na tej poti..;)

  3. martica je zdej fuuuul ljubosumnaaaaaaaaaa :) yes this woman has a touch ... i fucking adoreeee!

  4. ne samo zenska fotografinja

    EASTERN zenska fotografinja!

    her photos are so good that I am considering to forgive her the fact that her country is stealing our gas.... :)

  5. darling, but russia has plenty of gas. it's like almost for free:)
    i remember the heating in moscow, was so cheap...;)

  6. Oh, that's why our new Miss World Ksenia from Russia is studying Oil and GAS!

  7. not oil and gas....

    oil and GAZ. :P

    please please please, do not watch this video.

    it is shameful for my country!

    *walks away humming the national anthem*
