Monday, 8 December 2008

Greetings from my kitchen

Today I will spend most of the day there. I will be preparing things for tomorrow's dinner party, where I will host my models and co-workers from Widows and soldiers fashion show.

I will cook for them of course. The menu will consist of vegan and gluten free extravaganza.

I'm off to the market now..

photo: Yoann Lemoine


  1. bom ždela pod oknom, če bo kdo kaj vrgel....hehe

  2. but i want some baked ham glazed with cranberry and orange juice, and some patatoes also and freshly baked bread to dip in juices from ham mmmmmmmmmm. I m no vegan-tarian.

  3. no, mogoce bom pa vrgla kaksno kraco sam zate v pecico...
    kost pa loh pol vrzes vn skozi okno pikici.

  4. mislim da oba s pikico dvigava svoje ročie u vis, zaaaaaa.

  5. if u will make that burek

    please, do call :)

  6. i will eat everything myself...;))))
    no kraca for anyone...;)
